
Showing posts from December, 2017

Power and Media Industries

JAMES CURRAN AND JEAN SEATON 'Diversity is in the public interest - but modern societies suffer from collective attention deficit disorders, the public interest has to work harder to be noticed, and we need agile but resourceful media to do that.' Monopoly - The exclusive ownership or control of something. BROADSHEETS The Daily Telegraph - The Barclay brothers' Press Holdings The Sunday Telegraph - The Barclay brothers' Press Holdings The Times - News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch The Sunday Times - News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch The Guardian - Scott Trust Limited The Observer - Scott Trust Limited Financial Times - Nikkei Inc. - Japanese media company i -  Johnston Press TABLOIDS Daily Mail - Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail and General Trust plc The Mail on Sunday - Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail and General Trust plc Daily Express - Richard Desmond's Northern...