Power and Media Industries


'Diversity is in the public interest - but modern societies suffer from collective attention deficit disorders, the public interest has to work harder to be noticed, and we need agile but resourceful media to do that.'

Monopoly - The exclusive ownership or control of something.


The Daily Telegraph - The Barclay brothers' Press Holdings
The Sunday Telegraph - The Barclay brothers' Press Holdings
The Times - News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch
The Sunday Times - News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch
The Guardian - Scott Trust Limited
The Observer - Scott Trust Limited
Financial Times - Nikkei Inc. - Japanese media company
i -  Johnston Press


Daily Mail - Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail and General Trust plc
The Mail on Sunday - Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail and General Trust plc
Daily Express - Richard Desmond's Northern & Shell
Sunday Express - Richard Desmond's Northern & Shell
The Sun Daily - News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch
The Sun on Sunday - News Corporation - Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch
Daily Mirror - Trinity Mirror
Sunday Mirror - Trinity Mirror
Sunday People - Trinity Mirror
Daily Star - Richard Desmond's Northern & Shell
Daily Star Sunday - Richard Desmond's Northern & Shell
Morning Star - People's Press Printing Society

Conglomerate - A large corporation consisting of multiple smaller companies.

Subsidiary - A smaller company owned by a large corporation.

Disney is one of the 'Big Six' in the media conglomerates. Some of their subsidiaries are:
Lucasarts, abc, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel, Vice, History Channel

Conglomerates mostly only care about gaining more money and power.

'It extends their range of business and political connections, increases their corporation's prestige and, through judicious editorial appointments, contributes to the maintenance of public opinion favourable to private enterprise'

Having a monopoly means domination of multiple media industries
if the focus is on creating profit, generally conglomerates don't take risks with the media. products they produce.
This often results in limited variety, creativity, and quality.
'Anti-monopoly media regulation is needed not only to maintain fair competition but also to prevent the distortion of democracy'

'Media policy should seek to create the conditions of greatest possible competition, thus enabling consumers to exercise sovereign control. This produces media that people want, a wide range of choice, and media independence from government.'

Public Service Broadcasting - Broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than to serve purely commercial interests.

'British broadcasting was started as a public service, and this proved as creative commercially as it was innovative culturally.'

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The BBC was set up in 1922 with the mission statement to 'inform, educate, and entertain'
It is government owned and paid for by the tax payer.
It aims to represent the diversity of the UK, sustain citizenship and stimulate culture and creativity.

Independent Producer - Free from outside control
Independents offer something different to conglomerates.
'We will reflect the diversity of Britain; culturally and geographically. We will reflect the energy of our multicultural society. We will reflect the complexity of Britain back to itself.'

Public service broadcasters produce content without the sole intention of profit; This results in a more varied range or content across multiple media industries. 
Independent producers contribute to this creativity and variety by providing niche products that often act as the alternative to the mainstream.
These socially diverse patterns of ownership support a more varied and adventurous media landscape.


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