Stuart Hall


Representation - The ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it, including social groups, individuals, issues and events.


In what ways is Lindor brand chocolate represented in this advert?
Lindor is luxury and the best chocolate. Purity is represented by her white clothes and sheets. Red packaging is seen at the end, suggesting love and passion.

In what ways do technical elements construct this representation?
Slow motion, fade in and out. They make the chocolate seem more luxury because it shows the chocolate melting. Woman has her eyes closed, suggesting that she is relaxed by the chocolate. Or she is dreaming of chocolate.

What are the potentials ideological consequences of this advertisement?
Could be mislabeled as only for women. The advert is seen as feminine.


What groups are represented in this commercial break?
Stereotypical groups are shown. These include woman being bad drivers, Americans driving big cars and being noisy. The 'lazy American' stereotype is represented by the car advert by how you can watch TV inside the truck. The woman with the disability is still stereotypical, this is because she has blonde hair and blue eyes even though she has a disability.

What messages and ideologies are presented about these groups?
The Chevy advert screams masculinity. It shows the car as multi-purpose.

What does this commercial break say about America in 2015?
This commercial break represents the brash and patriotic nature often seen as America. This can be seen in the TurboTax advert, it was very patriotic because of the Americans winning out over any odds. (Freedom) Americans can overcome adversity through determination.

Richard Dyer - The Role Of Stereotypes
An ordering process
A short cut (For producers)
A reference point (For audiences)
An expression of dominant societal values


What groups are represented in this advert?
Old people, young people. Ethnicity is implied through the speaking manner of the creatures in the advert. We can assume that they are African because of the accent they have, especially noticeable in the older woman. The young creatures are both male and female,

What assumptions are made about these groups of people?
The idea that older people are senile and don't know what they are doing most of the time.

What ideologies are encoded in to this advert?


What groups are represented in this advert?
Many ethnicities represented in this advert. They are all noticeably women. Old and young people are also seen in the advert. There is no sense of inclusivity - all women are welcome to do sports.

What assumptions are made about these groups of people?
There are no glaring stereotypes represented in this advert. Instead, all of the people in the advert are seen as equal, and they are all doing similar things. This is shown through a montage of different sports events; swimming, football, netball, running, dance and so on.

What ideologies are encoded in to this advert?
The spotlight is on the women in this advert - quite literally as some scenes have a darkened background while the women dance, showing that the focus is on them.


What groups are represented in this advert?
A classic stereotype (hinted at in the start of the advert) of a conventionally attractive woman being a ring girl. This is later subverted by the man becoming a ring girl and challenging the stereotype.
A man looking to cheat on his significant other with a prostitute, represented by a man not liking the sandwiches and wanting to eat something considered 'wrong' and 'dirty'.

What assumptions are made about these groups of people?

What ideologies are encoded in to this advert?


Gauntlet believes that despite many negative perceptions of the media, audiences are capable of constructing their own identities through what they see on television. He also writes there are now many more representations of gender than the traditional 'gender binary'.

Stereotypical roles and characteristics of men
Loud, obnoxious, like to fight, brave, unintelligent, primal, workers (physical), providers,  messy and need to be organised by women, drink beer, dominant, hairy, competitive.

Stereotypical roles and characteristics of women
Stay at home, cook, clean, housework, gardening, care for children, supposed to be classy, don't swear, drink wine, receptionists and waitresses, supposed to adhere to a conventional beauty standard, physically fit, submissive, hairless, primary school teacher, dinner lady, nurse,


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