Zoella Full Collaboration Playlist ( 78 Videos) Joe Sugg / ThatcherJoe - White, Straight SprinkleofGlitter - White, Straight Fleur De Force - White PointlessBlog - White AThriftyMrs - White Marcus Butler - White Tanya Burr - White 'Jim' - White, Straight Alfie Deyes - White, Straight Joey Graceffa - White, Straight Troye Sivan - White, Straight DailyGrace - White, Straight BabyGlitter - White, Straight Miranda Sings - White, Straight Caspar Lee - White, Straight Gabby - White, Straight Tyler Oakley - White, Gay The potential impact on audiences of any absent representations (what stereotypes / dominant ideologies is this representation fuelling?) Does Zoella subconsciously associate beauty deals with specific ethnic groups for her audience? How do those representations or 'absences' reinforce 'otherness' according to Stuart Hall? Within the selections of the video...
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