Newspaper Definitions

Title of the newspaper displayed on the front page.

Used to scan the newspaper while purchasing. It is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data and contains information such as price.

Brief text underneath an image describing the photograph or graphic.

A phrase that summarises the main point of the article. Usually in large print and a different style to catch the attention of the reader.

Main Image
Dominant picture, often filling much of the front cover.

Page Numbers
A system of organisation within the magazine. Helps the audience find what they want to read.

Target Audience
People who the newspaper aims to sell to.

Pull Quote
Something taken from within an article, usually said by the person in the main image.

Classified Ad
An advertisement that uses only text, as opposed to a display ad, which also incorporates graphics.

An information panel on the front page that tells the reader about other stories in the paper to tempt them inside.

Some newspapers print several of these every night, these are versions with some changes and maybe additional late stories.

Stand First
Block of text that introduces the story, normally in a different style to the body text and headline.

The line above the story, which gives the author's name and sometimes their job and location.


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