Cultural Capital

Theory 12 - Power and Media Industry // Curran and Seaton
The media is controlled by a small number of powerful companies primarily driven by profit and domination.

Theory 13 - Regulation // Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt
Transformations in the production, distribution, and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media restrictions at risk.

Theory 14 - Cultural Industries // David Hesmondhalgh
Companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration.

Cultural Capital:
The cultural resources of an individual, for example knowledge, qualifications, art, customs and tastes.

Theory 19 - 'End of Audience' theories - Clay Shirky
Audiences are no longer passive: they interact with media products in an increasingly complex variety of ways.

The ULTIMATE daddies' girl: Teenager Saffron's got a £1m wardrobe, gets £5,000 a month pocket money and has a £400,000 Faberge ring - and it's all thanks to her TWO millionaire fathers

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The audience has reacted mostly negative to this article, some saying that the teen's life has been ruined because she is spoiled. Others on the other hand, say that the parents should be allowed to spend their money however they want it, because they came from nothing and earned it themselves. Personally, I do not think the headline does the story justice, this is because it seems like the Daily Mail is only interested in the wealth and how much people are worth / how much they spend. The story itself actually details how the two fathers have come from nothing and built their own empire, as well as how they are encouraging their kids to begin to make their own business ventures, with their daughter launching a cosmetic line. I think that this may have been omitted from the headline on purpose in order to generate buzz from people who do not read the entire article, and comment. Nearly all of the worst rated comments on this article are wishing the teenager the best for her future business endeavours, the rest are calling the other commenters out on being jealous towards the wealth, and a couple of them mention people being jealous specifically of Brexit. The worst rated comment in this scenario is simply "A Lovely story of a lovely family.", which got 474 downvotes.


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