Things I need to revise

Curran and Seaton - Power and media industries.
The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the profit and power.
Media concentration limits variety, creativity, and quality.
More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions.

Albert Bandura - Media Effects
Hypodermic needle effect (brainwashing)

Tzvetan Todorov - Narratology
Partial restoration of equilibrium

George Gerbner - Cultivation Theory
Views can be cultivated and developed throughout television or other pieces of media. Notably seen in the Tide advert.

Steve Neale - Theories around Genre
In order to genre to survive, we need repetitions and difference. We need to know what to expect, but be surprised at the same time.

David Hesmondhalgh - The cultural industries
Horizontal / vertical integration
Media Convergence


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