Introduction to the Music Video

Synergistic Convergence

Convergence - This is when two separate industries merge into one, such as the video industry and music industry combining to make music videos.

Synergy - Where the interconnectedness of media products leads to a result of more of the sum of its parts.

Benefits of synergy: You can target more than one audience at once with synergy, as it allows more audiences to be brought in.

Music Video Vs Cinema

Music Video:
Shorter length (5-10 minutes)

Longer in length
Have to pay to watch
More dialogue
More marketing
Higher budgets (Due to length)

Aspects of Postmodernism 
Distrust of form, convention and established conventions
'Style over substance'
Lack of distinction between 'low' and 'high' culture
De-emphasis of temporal continuity; many different time periods referenced
Distrust of all encompassing metanarratives
Emphasis on surface readings over deeper analysis
Celebration of consumerism, hedonism, and style
The ubiquity of 'The Screen'
The erosion of sense of self and identity

Lady Gaga
In what way does this video contract Lady Gaga as a celebrity?

The song is about her, with Gaga being the only person really focused in on throughout the video. The lyrics suggest that she is really famous and she 'Lives for the applause'. She is often attention grabbing, with her being in the centre of most shots, looking directly at the camera.

How could this video be described as postmodernism?

No temporal continuity, she's performing in a void like place, no background other than black and the occasional set piece.
Ticks essentially all of the boxes for being a postmodernism style video. This is because it features at least some theme from all of the items from the list above. Notably, there is a definite celebration of consumerism and style with her expensive looking styles and designer clothing. Hedonism is celebrated through the wild, party like style that is presented in the video. Her appearance takes several forms, but we still know that its her. Direct gaze towards the audience.

Binary Oppositions

Left and Right
Up and Down
Start and Stop
Safe and dangerous

Binary Oppositions in music videos:

Gorillaz - Dare: Shaun Ryder is real / live action whereas the other characters in the video are animated. Light and dark colours. Ryder is a giant head, Noodle is small. The video was all in Shaun Ryder's head, but then it turns out he is in Murdoc's head? Sometimes cuts from the loud music from Noodle's perspective to the other band member's perspectives.


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