Headline - "American Gothic"
Standfirst / Kicker - Under title.
Pull Quote - Under title.
Body / Body Copy - Mid to bottom left side.
Main Image - Bon Iver outside a church.
Captions - Bottom right corner.

This double page spread creates meaning through its distinct use of intertextuality, the article, titled 'American Gothic', features a double meaning. Firstly, the typeface chosen, as well as the stencilled graffiti style and the colours, suggest a more urban version of the gothic style, and this is complemented by the man in the picture, as he has quite a modern style of clothing, as well as the tattoos. The audience is anchored by the title bleeding from the black into the rest of the page. this leads the audience'e eyes into the page, and creates a sense of completeness between the two pages. Furthermore, the title 'American Gothic' alludes to the classic Gothic painting of the same name, featuring a couple outside of a chapel much like the one in the picture. This is brought forward in a modern context by Bon Iver, as he stands alone outside a similar shaped house. The composition of the two images is also different, as the modern day image features a tilted version of the image, and a grainy, black and white film photography version of it.
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