To what extent is this influenced by economic factors?
To what extent is this influenced by economic factors? How have digital platforms changed the way we consume radio? Wind up radios Radios apps on mobile Digital radio online web browser Podcasts Car radio Anytime, anywhere Reruns of older radio shows More audience interaction and accessibility DAB and FM (FM needs a signal and can cut out, DAB doesn't) More stations on DAB (Digital Audio Broadcating) Audio Streaming - Listeners can click on a link to play a radio programme instantly over the internet. The ability for audio streaming to be accessed via the internet has added a global reach to radio output as listeners abroad can also tune in to programming. DAB Radio - A greater number of wavelengths and therefore stations are available with digital audio. The use of DAB has increased the amount of stations allowing for niche programming and also improve quality to encourage more listeners. Podcasts - Programmes are packaged and available as downloadable content on ...