Fallout 4 / Dark Souls III

Fallout 4:
Nuclear Family, husband wife and child. Nuclear war threat, everyone goes into 'vaults'. People come into the vault, kills the protagonists significant other and take the child. Protagonist wakes up and ventures out to look for their son. From this point onward, you can either choose to follow the main story line, provoking a linear game, or use it as a sandbox and join factions and do side-quests, provoking a non-linear gameplay style.
Post-Apocalyptic, action adventure
As an audience, you play the protagonist and can choose dialogue options, who to talk to and what quests you choose to do.
The game is quite mainstream with a mass appeal, but there are essentially niche gameplay elements that appeal to fans of the Fallout series.
The preferred reading of the game is that war is bad

Dark Souls 3:
Dark Souls is a mostly linear franchise, the games focus on a main story line. There is a clear narrative structure within the game, and it follows on loosely from the previous two games. There are four available endings based on actions you take during the game, and these lead to different conclusions which either match or subvert the narratology theory. The game is a fantasy action adventure video game, though it could be argued that there is a hint of genre hybridity as the game could also be considered a strategy game (there are a lot of builds, some viable, some bad and some areas contain trial and error). There are also key pieces of iconography that cement the game into a fantasy genre. These could be the weapons, the dragons, the knights and undead that roam the areas, as well as the fantastical architecture seen throughout the game. The audience mainly interacts through playing the game. This just scratches the surface however, as the game has reached a point of popularity that it has a large online community, full of people offering alternate ways to play the game, producing fan art, modding the game, and figuring out exploits in order to speedrun the game. The Souls series is renowned for its great difficulty, and this is continued within this game. The game is generally seen as quite hardcore, and for seasoned gamers. Therefore it can be assumed that the audience for Dark Souls III is quite niche, becuase of its difficulty and cult following. Because the game has many different endings, I do not thin that there are any preferred readings, instead, the playe can essentially choose an ending and this can alter the way that they interact with and play the game.


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