Media In The Online Age

Online, or Digital media, which includes photos, video and music, distributed over the internet, which are either non-copyrighted or copyrighted materials provided either freely or for a fee.

Vlogging :
The activity or practice of posting short videos to or maintaining a vlog.
Vlogging and online video has become one of the biggest and most influential forms of media. Recent research shows 42%of internet users said they have watched a vlog within the last month rising to 50% for 16-24 year olds (Guardian, 2015), clearly demonstrating an ability to reach and influence vast range of audiences.

Relatable, allows you to see your life through a different lens, there are different styles of vlogs such as travel, building, lifestyles, shopping.

Personal Identity
Unscripted narrative
Direct mode of address
Audience Interaction

Zoella - Case Study

UK-Based Zoella is the world's second most popular beauty vlogger, with 12 million fans subscribed to her YouTube channel at this current time. Zoella, who started broadcasting fashion and beauty related videos from 2009, has over 1 billion video views, and this is the 147th most subscribed channel on her website; her second channel 'MoreZoella' has over 4.8 million subscribers and over 727 million video views. She also has over 13.6 million followers on Twitter and over 10.9 million on Instagram.

Codes and Conventions:
POV / Handheld camera
Walking about the house
Mascot (dogs)
Flexing on the fans
Highkey lighting
Relatable to audience (washing and Christmas T.V.)
Playing it safe with the themes and comments
Rhetorical questions
Direct mode of address
Dragged out for money
Editing to add excitement and tension
Breaking the fourth wall
'Amateur' aesthetic
Codes of realism
Diegetic sound
Single camera edit
Invitation into private spaces
'Aspirational' content


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