Textual Analysis

Top Words (Must Include):
Negotiation (How audiences negotiate meaning)
Hegemony (Patriarchal Hegemony)

Creating an argument:
The best points come from a strong argument

Response Structures:
DAC for Introductions - (Definition / Argument / Context)
PEA for Paragraphs - (Point / Evidence / Argument)

What are the genre conventions of Les Revenants, how do they work, and how have they developed?

Define -
Genre is how we classify different pieces of media, it allows us to group them according to common characteristics and conventions that appear within the piece.

Genre is essential for both audiences and producers alike. It is a way of categorising media texts. This allows the audience to identify what type of media product to select based on their own expectations and prior knowledge. Genre is also important to producers, as it allows them to specifically target audiences, and this ensure profit. Conventions are the building blocks of genre, acting as a crucial signpost.

Argument -
Les Revenants is a polysemic genre hybrid T.V. show, it spans across many genres such as Horror, Mystery, French Poetic Realism

Les Revenants takes a more challenging, subversive approach to genre convention. Rather than being categorised into one or two genres, it's a text that encompasses many - a fluid, postmodern drama that embodies genre hybridity, polysemy, and the complexity of modern day media. In this response I will be discussing the genre conventions within the text, how they have been developed to work and challenge genre convention.

Context -

Les Revenants is a French 'drama' series that was released in 2012 and produced by Canal+. The show was then distributed by Channel 3 for British audiences in 2013. Created by Frabrice Gobert, and originally adapted from 'They Came Back' (2004), the series encompassed two series. Despite not achieving mainstream success, the text drew a small but dedicated cult fan base.

Point -

Les Revenants is encoded with meaning from a variety of genres, it forms a complex ideology that challenges genre convention. Arguably the text reflects both horror and supernatural genre conventions, it is an enigmatic drama that makes references to both French poetic realism and the avant-garde, as well as embodying iconography and paradigmatic features from the 'Zombie' genre.

Evidence -

In the opening scene we are introduced to 'Camille'  through close-up on a bus, the non-digetic music is sombre and emotive connoting the lyrical codes of French drama and poetic realism. As the bus crashes there are digetic screams from inside the bus - reflecting horror conventions of death and mortality. Next, as the camera moves through the house there is a mid[shot of a butterfly, seemingly dead, breaking through the glass from which it is kept /////

Argument -
This opening uses hermeneutic codes and is very polysemic, encompassing multiple meanings and genres. The technical elements, such as sound and cinematography, are somewhat slow paced and carefully constructed, giving the scene a poetic, lyrical quality that  reflects poetic realism/ Genre conventions work here to engage the audience, to encourage a negotiation of multiple meanings that only add to the mystery and intrigue of the text.


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