Textual Analysis

Talking Points:

  • Genre codes and conventions 
  • Genre theory 
  • Genre fluidity
  • Camera work - framing and composition shot types, angle, position, movement 
  • Lighting and colour
  • Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity
  • Narrative construction, related to narrative theory
  • Sound – dialogue, music
  • Mise-en-scene – setting and location, props, costume/dress, hair/make-up 

Key Theorists:

1 - Semiotics - Roland Barthes (Different codes Hermeneutic, Proairetic, Symbolic)
2 - Narratology - Tzvetan Todorov (Equilibrium and its disruption)
3 - Genre theory - Steve Neale (Repetition and difference within genre and subgenre, genre conventions)
4 - Structuralism - Claude Lévi-Strauss

6 - Theories of representation - Stuart Hall
7 - Theories of identity - David Gauntlett (Pick and mix identity, people choose from different subcultures to create their identity)
8 - Feminist theory - Liesbet van Zoonen (Male gaze, objectification and sexualisation)
9 - Feminist theory - Bell Hooks (Hooks believed in political feminism and patriarchal hegemony)

Media Industries:
12 - Power and media industries - Curran and Seaton (Rupert Murdoch owning most of the world's media, conglomerations)
13 - Regulation - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt (There cannot exist proper regulations because there will always be a way around them)
14 - Cultural industries - David Hesmondhalgh (Creation, Production, Distribution, in a cycle. Different media industries such as music, film, books.)

16 - Cultivation theory - George Gerbner (Hypodermic needle, how an idea can be planted and grown subconsciously)
17 - Reception theory - Stuart Hall (Dominant, Preferred, Negotiated, Oppositional)


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