Audience In Attitude

Attitude's highlighted words on their own audience:

Financially Prosperous
Early Adopters
Spending power
Highly Loyal
Premium Fashion
Luxury Goods

People who buy Attitude magazine / access the online site, are around their 20s-30s, mostly gay males, and they are described to live quite a luxurious lifestyle and that they can afford premium projects, they also jump at the chance of being able to be early and setting the trend for something - aka being beyond the curve. Furthermore, they are specifically targeted due to the 'pink pound', and the spending power of the gay community.

Seen as more of a wallet than a person, and the magazine identifies all of their weak points - in order to properly utilise the pink pound they purposefully market things that are rising in popularity or have a small cult status that are about to go viral, this satisfies them as they feel ahead.

New media technologies are getting better, and are becoming more important at targeting specialised audiences. Online platforms provide a particularly valuable space for those social groups who ave traditional been alienated or marginalised by mainstream media, enabling them to assume control over their own representations and write their own narratives.

Virtual Communities
The internet has arguably fostered a sense of collaboration, allowing subcultures and communities to engage with one another.
These communities can be liberating, empowering, and democratic, but at the same time the Internet still reflects the structure of values and beliefs of 'real' society and therefore reinforce power relations and inequalities.

Audience Positioning:
In the exam you may be asked how audiences are positioned and you will be expected to USE THE SET TEXTS to support the points.
Media products arguably place audiences in a specific position in relation to the product.
Audience positioning relates to the relationship between the product and the responses the audiences may have to it (Stuart Hall's audience readings)

All texts have been constructed in a certain way in order to produce meaning and relatable notions to their target audience.
It is thought that they have the ability to construct the audience themselves - making them think and do what they are told to though the text. This could be seen through magazine companies encoding different ideologies and viewpoints throughout the text.

Deconstruction of Attitude:
Emotive, informal, chatty mode of address. The preferred reading is to be in favour of LGBT rights.
The construction of the website is through different colours under the headlines of the articles, this could be representing the LGBT rainbow flag.

Response to Audience positioning:
Audience positioning assumes that the audience is passive - they will decode and accept the meanings in the way the producers intend them to. A lot of audiences aren't passive, the active audience are more reactive and challenging.

Blumler and Katz  -  Uses and Gratifications Theory

While not a key theory, it has use within exam questions.
Audiences use media for:
Escapism and Diversion
Personal Relationships
Personal Identification
Surveillance and Information

Clay Shirky - End of Audience
The internet and digital technologies have had a profound effect on the relations between media and individuals
The conceptualisation of audience members as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer tenable in the age of the internet.
Media consumers have now become producers as they 'speak back' to the media in various ways as well as creating and sharing content with one another.

In Attitude - this doesn't really apply. This is because Attitude does not discuss or interact with its audience, and how they provide limited representations and stereotypes - The same applies for Zoella.


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