Hegemony / Patriarchal Hegemony
The idea of agreeing of ideologies through consent. This can come through authority We live in a meritocracy, where everything is based off of merit and qualifications. This can also lead people to want to gain cultural capital / power / money, making use of hegemony and power other others because that is the assumed state of power and hierarchy. Cultural Hegemony - Our rules that we do through consent - AKA Football, Roast Dinners "Religion is the opiate of the masses" Religious Hegemony Patriarchal Hegemony The Beauty Myth Neoliberailsm Racial Hierarchies Generic Hegemony Political Hegemony One way in which this product reinforces hegemonic norms is... Females are often sexually attractive in media products while men do not always have to be, patriarchal hegemony John Berger - Men act and women appear - men have control but women are just there to look nice Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth - The idea that certain things are beautiful Humans reinforces thi...